Monday 27 June 2011

Are we going extinct as a nation?

Drone attacks, constant bomb blasts, target killings, political unrest and to add to the havoc now deadly disasters that are wiping out our masses…. Our so-called democratic government is doing what? Just adding up figures to the budget allocated for the President and Prime Minister house? Spending millions on giving a lavish lifestyle to their families?

A few days ago, I happened to be at Park Towers promoting a writing workshop when I saw a handful of cops roaming around all over the place. A few moments later I found out that our President’s daughter Bakhtawar was shopping at the mall and all that security was arranged for her. I have always been curious as to why so much budget is allocated for the Defense sector every year and that was the moment when I discovered the answer to that. But that security is not provided to a person who in spite of all the hardships is paying enormous amount of taxes. For whom the prices of fuel, gas, electricity, and all the necessary commodities have hiked up. That is the underlying reason of why the death toll through suicides has gone up.

Also the job market is giving such a tough time to our graduates, masters, and doctorates due to which they are compelled to leave the country and prefer going abroad to the land of opportunities. Continually increasing debts and foreign loans have aggravated the situation too. So I again put these questions forward: Are we going extinct as a nation? Will there be a time when no one would even know about the country that was created after innumerable sacrifices? Will the upcoming generations know of this land as the one that had a very stable army and naval force, the nuclear power that had beautiful sites and an attractive tourist industry? Will the country that made history become history? These are some questions that we need to ponder over.


  1. v true , well i believe we are in a transition stage but i dont expect things to settled down we emerge as a developed country not at least until few more decades.our generation will unfortunately will have to face all this things for a bit longer period..
    I hope we may not INSHALLAH but that what one can predict from the circumstances and our economical statistics.

  2. Miss Tejani I like your thoughts and I appreciate your concerns but these questions must be answered by us so I will appreciate you more if you give us a solutions which will be more impactful !! :)

  3. @ mfwaheed
    It is definitely a gradual process. Let us all hope that it does not.

    @ Rocky
    Thanks and talking about solutions, I think that depends on us. How we think we can make a difference. According to some protesting would be the solution and to some doing something on our own would be the one. varies from person to person!

  4. over 700 billion rupees are allocated to the development sector, in addition to over 1 trillion rupees allocated for provincial development.

    Well, I guess these figures are enough to what my statement would be :-D

    where does the money go? :-P

    P.S- Mrs Tejani, don't worry, Pakistan has suffered a lot worse before! As Quaid said, it is here to stay forever!

  5. Dear anonymous. I was trying to make the same point. Pakistan has suffered worse before, true. But during those times of turmoil, either the masses responded to the conditions by protesting or by choosing the right leader. My objective when writing this was to make people ponder over what is happening to them and what might happen in the near future if they keep this silent attitude of theirs.

    P.S. thanks for sharing these facts! Appreciated! :)

  6. Me again :-P

    Neither ether protesting would help nor trying to "chose" the right leader. Take it like a course, no matter how much the teacher sucks, u find ways to pass. :-D

    So instead if waiting for a revolution, just do things on your part. Who knows, maybe your "negligible work" on macro scale, might inspire 3 odd people to contribute, and their contribution might trigger a further chain reaction.

    So as for now, promote your workshops. Who knows, your workshops may inspire individuals who serve as icons of inspiration of the masses.

  7. Dear anonymous, I see a difference of opinion here. So if you think that's how you can make a difference, please go ahead with that. We really need people who contribute a little for a further chain reaction! Be that icon of inspiration for us :)

  8. U COMPILED THE FACTS AND PRESENTED THEM VERY WELL. I don't think the present government is taking any steps to overcome issues faced by the country. As the famous saying goes 'where there is a will, there is a way too'.. Its good to know that the young educated generation is taking the steps that are required to be taken in order to spread the word. But i believe the stand is yet to be taken which would be revolutionary seen throughout the world thats how we can change the present system.

  9. What's worse is the fact that those who have left this country for their better future now regard it as nothing more than a landfill! check this out:

  10. We are definitely in a need of true revolutionaries and the change that our country has been waiting for.

    And yes people are leaving this country and have developed such perceptions about it but most of it is because of the circumstances that they are dwelling in. Sadly every factor the Government, the people and the political parties all are responsible for this.
